4 wk lead time, handpoured indie/niche

Kyse Perfumes now in Luckyscent stores!

We have been going through some changes around here because, well everyone needs to!  Kyse is now available in Luckyscent and I am having a great time getting new and fresh experiences and making new friends! 

Regardless of all the things coming down the line I am still the same and there will never be any discontinued perfumes. *  I've got your back and your favorites will always be available...I hate it when my favorites get dropped!

*Benjoin Vanillee was pulled from the main ordering page, but I can still make it if it was your love!  It's so labor intensive I just need more time. Send me an email and I can make it.  At this time Im not doing new samples however. 

Thank you as always for your support and love, we couldn't do this without all of you!! I LOVE what I do, and I'll be doing it until Im 90 if I can. lol

Oh, and if you have a you tube review of our perfumes I'd love to link to you!  I'm not always the best at scouring the web, but please feel free to send us your youtubes or instagrams and we'll gladly share <3

Best wishes to you all for 2022!